Soup & A Seat 2013
Soup & A Seat

The New Zealand
Film Archive will soon be launching their 2013 Soup & A Seat
This is cinema condensed to
fit into your lunchbreak! Every Friday at 12:15pm, from 16
August until 27 September, come into the Archive for
homemade soup and a fab selection of
Just $8 for soup and your movie
The films included in the 2013 Soup & A Seat
screening series are as follows: 12.15pm, Friday 16 August
From Poverty Bay to Broadway: The Story of Tom
NZ, 2010, 60 minutes, Exempt,
director Lydia Monin
“Boxer Tom Heeney
was New Zealand’s first international sporting hero, a
contender in New York for the World Heavyweight title in
1928. Though he lost the fight (after 11 brutal rounds) New
Zealanders exulted then, as now, in the ‘world class’
status of one of our own. With a reputation for doggedness
and straight dealing in a notoriously corrupt game,
‘Honest Tom’ became a rich man and footed it with the
smart set in Jazz Age Manhattan and eventually parlayed his
good name into a long and successful second career running a
celebrity bar in Miami” - New Zealand International Film
Festival, 2010.
12.15pm, Friday 23
A Place to Stay: Salisbury
Garden Court
NZ, 2009, 35 minutes +
talk by director/producer Marie Russell, Exempt
A documentary that explores the relation between urban design and a sense of community, through the unusual social history of Salisbury Garden Court in Wadestown, Wellington.
12.15pm, Friday 30 August
Hatred Campaign
NZ, 1985, 36 minutes +
talk by producer Rod Prosser,
“Vanguard’s last foray of the
decade into trade union territory was Rod Prosser’s video
for the Wellington Trades Council, The Hatred Campaign
(1985). Made as a tribute to caretaker Ernie Abbott, killed
in the 1984 Trades Hall bombing, it blames the outrage on
the hostility against unions which had been fomented during
the Muldoon years” - Russell Campbell, Observations:
Studies in New Zealand Documentary, 2011.
Friday 6 September
Road to the
NZ, 2012, 52 minutes, Exempt,
director Mike Jonathan
Road to the
Globe is an “all access” documentary that charts the
twelve weeks leading up to the opening night of the first
professional Te Reo Māori theatre production staged at the
legendary Globe Theatre in London. In April 2012 kiwi actor
Rawiri Paratene and his company, Ngakau Toa, consisting of
some of New Zealand’s best Māori actors, participated in
the “greatest Shakespearian festival of our time.” The
“Globe to Globe” festival featured 37 plays, from 37
countries, in 37 languages. The film follows Ngakau Toa as
they prepare their exquisite Te Reo adaption of William
Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida.
Friday 13 September
Memory, Myth and
NZ, 2005, 31 minutes, Exempt,
producer Zoe Roland
Zoe Roland used her
time as Artist-in-Residence at the Christchurch Arts Centre
to create this film using footage from the Film Archive’s
collections. With the support of those who deposited the
original footage, Zoe selected film shot in the Canterbury
region. The films, which date from as early as 1912,
include scenes of glorious garden parties, farming, skiing
in the Southern Alps, A&P shows and local architecture. In
order to create the film’s uniquely personal soundtrack
Roland asked individuals from the Canterbury community to
view the footage and later interviewed them about the
thoughts and memories the film evoked.
Notes for a Coastline
2004, 26 minutes, Exempt, director Zoe
An essayist documentary about
memories of a New Zealand beach settlement, with specific
focus on storytelling and oral traditions. “A sort of
poetic love letter to my mother.”
12.15pm, Friday 20
Lost in
NZ, 2009, 52 minutes + talk
by producer Costa Botes, PG
A documentary
about cross-dressing kiwi lawyer Rob Moodie. “Why does
this straight man – who looks at 69 as if he could still
spend a day driving in fence posts – turn up in court to
defend himself on contempt charges calling himself Miss
Alice and wearing the frock to prove it? […] We see
clearly in this film that his determination to opt out of
any selfgoverning boy's club responds to trauma in his
Dunedin childhood. We also see that his fearlessness
bespeaks a principled confidence about who he is, which is
miraculous considering his disintegrated upbringing and the
many different lines of work – farmer, mechanic,
detective, trade unionist, barrister – to which he has
successfully put his hand since” - New Zealand
International Film Festival, 2009.
12.15pm, Friday 27
Doctors and Nurses
NZ, 50
minutes, Exempt
A fascinating film
programme that looks back on attitudes towards health and
medicine across the twentieth century. Compiled from films
in the Archive’s collection dating back to the 1930s. From
rural nurses on horseback to tuberculous detection - see how
the work of New Zealand doctors and nurses has changed over
the last