Wintec’s Media Arts Graduates showcase their work
The Cream is Out - Wintec’s Media Arts Graduates showcase their work
Graduate students from Wintec’s School of Media Arts are to showcase their best work during the annual end of year exhibition in Hamilton from Friday December 1.

One of the many highlights includes a Bachelor of Media Arts Photography major student, Natalie Corbett, with her images of poetic, almost surreal images of circus events.
Head of School, Margi Moore said students from across the inter-disciplines of photography, graphic design, digital design, interior design, painting and sculpture and moving image will be showcasing their creative talent.
“For employers in the creative industries, art lovers and those who really appreciate fabulous art, music, film, photography and interior design, opportunities don’t get much better than this. One of the many highlights includes a Bachelor of Media Arts Photography major student, Natalie Corbett, with her images of poetic, almost surreal images of circus events. Natalie is a photographer who’s personal style and uniqueness brings the mundane into magnificent.”
Graduate Amanda Whitaker has created a website which go live prior to the exhibition. showcases the broad talents of the digital and graphic design students. Interior design students are presenting a variety of completed residential and commercial projects including designs for the new technology unit at Hamilton Fraser High School.
The Commercial Music department will release EXPOSITION IV-2006. This CD features highlights of student compositions which reflect our innovative, inter-disciplinary programme, equipping students for today's fast paced arts, media, design and entertainment industries.
WHAT : Wintec Media Arts ‘06 End of year Student Exhibitions -
NB the special press/industry preview is on Thursday Nov 30 at 11am starting at P block on the Collingwood side of the Wintec Campus.
Graduate Exhibitions
Wintec City Campus
WHEN : Friday December 1 – Thursday December 7 Opening night Friday 1 December
Painting/Sculpture 4.00pm W block
Photography 5.00pm P Block
Maori/Pacific Island 5.30pm P Block
Interior Design 6.00pm R Block
Graphic Design/Digital 6.30pm R Block
Art Auction 7.00pm W Block
Other Mediarts student exhibitions/events on campus and around the city:
Media Arts Painting and Sculpture Student show
9 November – 10 December
Opening Function Friday 10th Nov, 5.30pm
Media Arts Honours student show
Ramp Gallery, Collingwood Street
Tuesday 28 November – Friday 8 December
Opening Tuesday 28 Nov 5.00pm
Moving Image Screenings/ CD Launch
Community Theatre, Clarence Street
Wednesday 29 Nov 6.30-8.00pm (followed by refreshments)
CD Launch 8.30pm