University to honour Tuwharetoa chief
University to honour Tuwharetoa chief
Paramount chief of Ngati Tuwharetoa Tumu te Heuheu is to receive an honorary doctorate from the University on Sunday, 25 November. At the request of Ngati Tuwharetoa, the ceremony will be held on the Waihi marae, Turangi, so iwi can participate.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Maori) Professor Mason Durie says Massey is privileged to confer this degree on a man whose contribution to Maori and to the nation has been outstanding. The award of Honorary Doctor of Literature recognises his efforts to promote conservation in New Zealand, his international contribution to the preservation of worldwide heritage and his work for the advancement of Maori education.
“We are especially mindful of the hui taumata matauranga held in Taupo between 2001 and 2006 and the efforts of Ngati Tuwharetoa to bring together Maori and government to explore options for better educational outcomes for Maori learners,” Professor Durie says.
Minister of Maori Affairs Parekura Horomia will give the graduation address and members of the University Council and academic staff will join Ngati Tuwharetoa at the graduation.
Mr te Heuheu is chair of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation’s World Heritage Committee. He succeeded his father Sir Hepi te Heuheu as paramount chief in 1997.