Te Reo Māori to get digital boost in Taranaki
Press Release: Te Reo Māori to get digital boost in
October 28, 2008
Taranaki iwi and hapū
will be the first to participate in a new initiative tasked
with developing digital technology for the learning and
teaching of te Reo Māori.
The initiative, hosted by the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (Witt), will be launched at Puke Ariki Museum in New Plymouth today.
The project is the first of planned by Te Ipukarea, the Māori Language Institute, a collaborative initiative hosted by AUT University, and partnered by Victoria University, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, Christchurch Polytechnic, Canterbury and Lincoln University .
Stage one of the project is, He Rangi Mātāhauariki mō te Reo, an initiative tasked with developing digital technology for the learning and teaching of te reo Māori. The project is also focused on enhancing the digital literacy of Māori language learners and educators.
Head of Faculty for Humanities, Health & Māori at Witt, Lisa Ferguson said it was an honour to be the first region in the country to take part in the project.
"This is a wonderful opportunity to not only capture the unique Taranaki lexicon, but also a wonderful initiative to ensure all Taranaki people have access to advancing their te reo skills using their unique dialect."
She said the project would allow further diversity to the mechanisms available to share and teach te reo Māori, an essential process to ensure learning of the language remains dynamic and accessible.
Māori Language Institute is AUT Professor Tania Ka'ai said Taranaki was chosen to launch the digital initiative in recognition of the huge contribution respected Māori academic Dr Huirangi Waikerepuru has made to the survival of the Māori language.
"Dr Waikerepuru has committed a lifetime and legacy that we have all benefited from", she said.