Cynthia Enloe Lecture: Militarism and Gender
A printable flyer advertising this event is at
and Gender in the Pacific global contexts, feminist
questions and analysis -- a public lecture by Professor
Cynthia Enloe of Clark University, Massachusetts.
launching the White Poppy Peace Scholarships
Friday 30
October, 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Hunter Council Chamber
Hunter Building, Kelburn Parade Gates 1 and 2,
Kelburn, Wellington
No door charge but seating is
limited so RSVPs are essential.
Cynthia Enloe is
Research Professor in the Department of International
Development, Community, and Environment and Women's Studies
at Clark University. Her feminist teaching and research has
focused on how women’s labor is made cheap in globalised
factories, how women’s emotional and physical labor is
used to support governments’ war-waging policies, and how
many women have tried to resist both of those efforts.
Author of twelve books including Bananas, Beaches and Bases:
Making Feminist Sense of International Politics (2000),
Maneuvers: The International Politics of Militarizing
Women’s Lives (2004), and Globalization and Militarism:
Feminists Make the Link (2007), her new book Nimo’s War,
Emma’s War: Making Feminist Sense of the Iraq War is
forthcoming in spring, 2010.
Proudly presented by the
Programme in Pacific Studies in Va’aoman Pasifika
partnership with the Programme in Political Science and
International Relations, and in association with Peace
Movement Aotearoa and the Women’s International League for
Peace and Freedom. Please RSVP to Diana Felagai, tel (04)
463 5830 or email