NorthTec Student Gets Stuck In
NorthTec Student Gets Stuck In

He may have only just turned 16 but Kaitaia-based NorthTec student Louie Taitimu is already impressing his tutors with his can-do approach. “He’ll go a long way,” says carpentry tutor Murray Smith. “He gets stuck in without having to be asked. He’s got a great attitude.”
Louie is currently finishing his National Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4) and says that he’s always wanted to learn how to build. When his mother did the National Certificate course at NorthTec he was particularly inspired to have a go. “I thought it was awesome that Mum did it.”
Working outside is right up his alley and he’s found that the NorthTec tutors are great. Building a house on campus has been an excellent experience because it’s allowed the students to apply their classroom learning in a hands-on way. “We find that providing a practical way for students to apply their learning gives them a real sense of achievement and embeds the theoretical skills that we are teaching,” said carpentry tutor Steve Rameka.
Louie has the dream of owning his own building company one day, hopefully in Kaitaia, but in the meantime he’s keen to get whatever work experience in the industry that he can.
Enrolments are now open for NorthTec’s National Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4) at the Kaitaia campus.