UC re-launching its journalism course in 2013
UC re-launching its journalism course in 2013
September 3, 2012
Canterbury University is re-launching its journalism course, which was not offered in 2012 in the wake of the Canterbury earthquakes.
The course, which began in the 1920s, has trained some of the country’s foremost journalists.
UC has appointed Tara Ross, a former journalist for The Press and the Sunday Star-Times, as the senior lecturer in journalism. Ross is a Qantas Award-winning reporter with a reputation for insight and depth of analysis in her reporting.
Acting head of social and political sciences Dr Donald Matheson said Ross impressed the university with her vision for journalism education in a rapidly changing media environment.
``The key skills of the journalist, such as asking questions, getting the facts right and quality writing, are as important as ever,” he said.
``But Tara Ross will be preparing journalists to work across media and in new ways.
``They may be live blogging one day, talking with their audience on social media the next and working with a non-profit organisation the day after that. In addition, Ross brings the analytical skills to carry on the course’s tradition of turning out reflective journalists.’’
Ross said the biggest challenge for journalism currently was re-engaging with its community.
``That’s not about letting go of professional practices
but about learning how to speak with communities to be more
relevant to them,” she said today.
Ross has won
numerous awards and scholarships for her academic work and
is herself a graduate of the Canterbury journalism
programme. She won the Bain Prize as the top journalism
student of her year.
The university put the course on
hold in 2012 due to uncertainties over enrolments and an
unsuccessful search for a lecturer. Dr Matheson said the
course’s restarting was a sign of the university
rebuilding its strengths post-quake. Enrolments for 2013
close on November