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Psychosis Conference

Tue, 12 Oct 2004

Psychosis Conference

The 2nd annual MAKING SENSE OF PSYCHOSIS CONFERENCE will be hosted by the University of Auckland and the International Society for the Psychological Treatment of Schzizophrenia (ISPS) on 18 & 19 October at the University Conference Centre, 22 Symonds Street.

Programme pasted below

The keynote speaker is Ron Coleman from the UK. Ron, a voice hearer himself, now heads an educational organisation which offers mental health professionals traiing in what it is like to hear voices (e.g. using headphones and recordings while conducting daily activties)and what is most likely to be helpful to voice hearers.

The conference offers a range of different ways to understand and treat psychosis, from a range of perspectives - including psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, nurses and mental health service users. Maori perspectives on 'madness' will also be featured.

John Read's book MODELS OF MADNESS(discussed in '60 MINUTES' on 11.10.2004) will have its official NZ launch at the conference.

The conference seeks to transcend the current dominance of a rather narrow biological approach to understanding and supporting people who hear voices (hallucinations)and hold unusual beliefs (delusions).

The conference, which is supported by the Mental Health Commission and the New Zealand Psycholgical Society, will be opened by Derek Wright - Regional Director, Mental Health Services Northern Region.

Print and radio media representatives are welcome to attend (but please check with John Read re coverage of one or two sessions which may involve personal accounts for which permission will need to be sought from the presenter). TV coverage will need to be cleared with the conference as a whole - contact John Read ahead of time please.

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8.30 Registration

9.00 * 9.15 -Nga mihimihi (welcome) Rob Cooper (Nga Puhi), kaikorero on behalf of Ngati Whatua.

9.15 * 9.30 Conference Opening: Derek Wright * Regional Director, Mental Health Services Northern Region.


11.00 * 11.30 Morning Tea (provided)

11.30 * 12.30 JIM BURDETT & JIM GEEKIE A Philosophical Approach to Working with Psychosis

12.30 * 1.30 JOHN READ The new I.S.P.S. book 'Models of Madness'

1.30 * 2.30 LUNCH BREAK

2.30 * 3.30 (two streams)

Stream one: 2.30 * 3.00 Mike Ang & Jeremy Clarke Integrating psychology and psychiatry: A case presentation

3.00 * 3.30 Vanessa Beavan Researching the hearing of voices in New Zealand

Stream two: 2.30 * 3.30 Millie Aperhama, Sue MacPherson, Thom Rudegeair & John Thorburn Using psycho-social approaches in an inpatient setting

3.30 * 4.00 Afternoon Tea (provided)

4.00 * 5.00 CINDY MOKOMOKO & CRAVEN TE UA WHANAUNGATANGA - A Model of Service Delivery - A Model of Practice

5.30 * 7.00 Evening Social (munches provided): Old Government House. ALL WELCOME


9.00 * 10.00 JEFFREY MASSON Mental Health Professionals' Minimizing of Childhood Trauma * From Freud to Today

10.00 * 11.00 PATTE RANDAL Trauma, Psychosis, 'Spiritual Emergency' and Recovery

11.00 * 11.30 Morning Tea (provided)

11.30 * 1.00 (two streams)

Stream one

11.30 * 12.00 Miriam Loretto, Debra Lampshire A hearing voices group 12.00 * 12.30 Andrew Moskowitz Dissociation and psychosis 12.30 * 1.00 DaleRook A Story-telling group

Stream two

11.30 * 12.00 Melissa Taitimu Psychosis and spirituality: Maori understandings of extra-ordinary experiences 12.00 * 12.30 Daniel Sutton The meaning of doing in recovery from psychosis: An occupational perspective 12.30 * 1.00 Mark Rose Using psychodynamic ideas in working with psychosis

1.00 * 2.00 LUNCH BREAK

[1.15*2.00 meeting to discuss formation of NZ branch of ISPS *bring your lunch back!]

2.00 * 5.00 RON COLEMAN WORKSHOP - Working with Voices

(with afternoon tea 3.30 * 4.00)

Conference committee (and interim ISPS steering group for NZ): Mike Ang, Jim Geekie, Patte Randall, John Read, Dale Rook


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