Admin health workers launch postcard campaign
Administrative health workers launch postcard campaign to seek a better pay deal
Over eight hundred clerical and administration staff belonging to the PSA and working at four DHBs in the central North Island have launched a postcard campaign after rejecting a pay offer from their employer.
The DHBs have offered 2.93% for the first year, 2.4% percent in the second and 2.1% in year three. The union is seeking a pay increase that takes into account increases in the consumer price index.
“The important work done by clerical and administration staff is what makes our public health system function properly. These workers deserve a fair pay rise,” said PSA National Secretary Richard Wagstaff.
“There have recently been some necessary pay increases in other parts of the health sector, it is important that clerical and administration staff also get the fair deal they deserve.”
Members and their families are sending the postcards to their DHB CEO’s in an effort to see the offer improved.
The DHBs covered by the Multi-Employer Collective Agreement being sought are Tairawhiti, Bay of Plenty, Lakes and Waikato.
The PSA is New Zealand’s largest union and represents over 55,000 members in health, central and local government and in community services.