Santa connects with sick kids - via cyber space
10 December 2007
Santa connects with sick
kids - via cyber space

When you’re
little, a chat with Santa before the big day is a singular
highlight of Christmas.
But it can be difficult catching up with the jolly big fellow when you’re in hospital and simply aren’t allowed out of bed.
So it was big news at Auckland’s Starship Children’s Hospital last week (Fri. Dec 7) when Santa came to the party in the hospital atrium - and the party was beamed to the wards via cyber space.
To ensure none of the children missed out on telling Santa what he should deliver on December 25, Microsoft New Zealand donated two laptops equipped with Lifecam webcams and Woosh provided broadband connection.
Kids in the wards linked to Santa in the atrium for a webcam chat and also cyber-met celebrities at the party who could not visit their wards. And after the party, the laptops and technology stayed put at Starship.
They are to be part of the initial equipment in the hospital’s teen lounge enabling children to communicate online with friends and family.
Microsoft is also donating additional hardware peripherals such as mice and keyboards and software including PC Games, Vista and Office as well as an Xbox 360 as the teen lounge develops.