Hutt City Mayor Arranges Meeting To Discuss Y2k
A public meeting has been called by Hutt City Council and the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce to provide an opportunity for people to express their concerns relating to Year 2000 (Y2K) issues.
Hutt City Mayor John Terris said the Council was fortunate to obtain the services of Basil Logan, Y2K Readiness Commissioner, who will present an overview of national planning at the meeting.
Council officers will be available to answer questions relating to local issues. Hutt City Council has put a great deal of effort into Y2K planning.
Mayor Terris said the Council was delighted to be part of this partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and he saw it as an opportunity for the experts to hear concerns from the business sector and other members of the community who may wish to attend.
meeting is scheduled to be held in the Hutt City Council
Chambers, 30 Laings Road, Lower Hutt on Thursday 14 October
1999 from 2 pm - 4 pm.
For further information on Y2K
issues please refer to the Hutt City Council's website on