Bank Customers Collective Not Welcomed by Nats
Members of the Bank Customer Action Collective were not welcomed at a meeting held in Tauranga today by National Party members but were later acknowledged and heard by two Ministers who were guests of List MP Katherine O’Regan. The approach came out of desperation from not receiving appropriate recognition from correspondence to the Ministers/Government MPs concerned over a very long period.
The Ministers were delivering a very professional presentation on Social Policy and the Collective believes their organisations concerns are major in respect to social policies throughout NZ.
Neal Andrews of Pukekawa a Commercial grower whose entire family business (employing 15 full-time and over a 100 people during the seasons) has unnecessarily collapsed been following a dispute with the Bank of New Zealand, spoke to the Ministers at question time. He was not received well, however was invited by the Minister of Justice, Hon Tony Ryall to meet with him after the meeting.
Mr Ryall spoke briefly to Mr Andrews committing to follow up Mr Andrews’s issues.
Suzanne Baker Coordinator of the BCAC spoke to the Treasurer after the meeting appealing to him for assistance for the victims either directly or through his colleagues. She also spoke to the Minister of Justice who committed to follow up on the issues personally.
Mrs Baker was frustrated to have been denied the opportunity to deliver her message in the public forum as advertised in the Bay of Plenty Times and on local Radio news.
Mrs Baker says "The advertising stated that the Ministers would speak on security and prosperity of New Zealand Families. Baker also comments "that the issues the collectives are working with are destroying families businesses and the economy. The Government are campaigning on building family str uctures as being the foundation of New Zealand."