TheOneRing.net’s Michael Regina reported that this figurine of Treebeard the Ent, posted on www.applause.com, is an exact replication of what he'll look like in the second instalment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Two Towers.
However, fellow fan Harry Knowles sent this to Mr Regina’s email list:
Michael - Everyone else...I can say with absolute authority that it isn't an exact replication of what he'll look like... There's a ton more detail, but then... I bet y'all guessed that. When I was on set I got to play with Treebeard quite a bit around the Green Screen Stage. The detail work is approximately 2 billion times better. Also - Watch for the snail that will be crawling SLOWLY around on him... that's not on the Applause figure though.
However, GREAT SCOOP MICHAEL!!! This is the first look at the basic design of TREEBEARD - can't wait for the real film images - actually I can... I kinda hope they manage to keep him underwraps...
Harry Knowles