The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Holy Hour- Extracts
The Holy Hour is a liturgy (a set of prayers), intended to be observed in a Church in front of the blessed sacrament.
The Holy Hour– Extract No. 5
Before leaving this Holy Tabernacle I want, O my Jesus, to have recourse to Your Divine Heart’s infinite wealth.
Consecrated to Your Love, I believe that I can ask for nothing better than the fulfillment of Your own desires. It is Your Divine Desires that I want to present to the Father, before the conclusion of this time of graces, and beg Him in Your Name, to answer them.
The first desire of Jesus is the salvation of souls: to redeem the world by means of love, to establish the Kingdom of infinite Love throughout the earth.
Allow me then, O Jesus, to express my ardent wish that the Kingdom of Your Love be established all over the earth. O infinite Love, living in the Divine Heart of Jesus, make Yourself known to men so that men may love You, as You want to be loved.
The second desire of Jesus is to make use of priests for this great work, to make of them active laborers, and by means of them, to work in souls and in the world.
O Jesus, eternal Priest and Savior of the world, in order to realize this burning desire of Your Heart, multiply vocations, and send many holy workers to Your harvest.
O Jesus, make every priest an authentic sower of Your Love.
I beg You for the Holy Father, for the bishops, for all the priests who have helped me, for all priests.
I ask You, O Jesus, to sustain them during battle, to comfort them in loneliness, to encourage them in their failures, to make their hardships fruitful, and to pour into their hearts your Divine Heart’s Love.
† Lord, to watch over Your honor and
glory, R/.
† Lord, to increase our faith,
† Lord, to sustain Your Church,
† Lord, to preach Your doctrine,
† Lord, to defend Your cause, R/.
Lord, to counteract error, R/.
† Lord, to
annihilate the sects, R/.
† Lord, to uphold the
truth, R/.
† Lord, to guide our souls,
† Lord, to improve habits, R/.
Lord, to vanish vices, R/.
† Lord, to illuminate
the world, R/.
† Lord, to teach the riches of Your
Heart, R/.
† Lord, to teach us to love the Holy
Spirit, R/.
† Lord, to have all Your ministers
become the light of the world and the salt of the earth,
O Jesus, Holy Priest, we ask You with the greatest humility in our souls to increase priestly vocations and to form them according to the designs of Your loving Heart. Only then will we obtain holy priests, and there will soon be in the world only one flock and only one Shepherd. Amen.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Through the rest of 2002, Scoop will be publishing a series of daily reflections on spiritual matters from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas, has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books she says she was instructed to write by Jesus Christ, Mary and various Angels. Scoop’s extract, above, comes from Rivas’s book “The Door to Heaven”. In 1999 Katya Rivas was the subject of a top-rating documentary show hosted by Mike Willessee (see Scoop TV review - Jesus Christ Tells FOXNews He Wants To Hug World and Scoop Images ). More recently Rivas says she was instructed by Jesus to have her books translated and published on the internet with the intention of having the books distributed to as wide an audience as possible. Several of the books can now be read online at http://www.greatcrusade.org/, and more are coming soon.
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