Feedback: Should Saddam Hussein Be Put To Death?
Crime: Amnesty Int. Deplores Saddam
Hussein Death Sentence - Amnesty International
deplores the decision of the Supreme Iraqi Criminal
Tribunal (SICT) to impose the death sentence on Saddam
Hussein and two of his seven co-accused after a trial which,
Amnesty says, was deeply flawed and unfair. The former Iraqi
dictator was sentenced today in connection with the killing
of 148 people from al-Dujail village after an attempt to
assassinate him there in 1982. See... Amnesty
deplores death sentences in Hussein
This is a move clearly designed to influence the midterm elections here in the states, and a terrible idea because the violence level in Iraq is going to jump like crazy. Further, this is not justice. This is revenge and a farce. The closest thing to justice, you know, after we violated the sovereignty of Iraq, would have been to send him to the Hague, where he could have gotten a fair trial. While we were at it, we could have sent Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld to stand on the dock with him, since they were busy lining his pockets and giving him weapons back in the 1980s.
Not in my name.
Yes, but only if Bush and Blair are hung beside him for equivalent crimes against humanity.
Steve Luke
The proposition to cure crimes against humanity with yet more murder is at the very least questionable.
Kevin Vacit
Dear editor,
Re the article "Maldives: A Memo on Recent Developments" of today, I strongly suggest reviewing its content and comparing it to international opinions. Doing so would make you remove the essay immediately from your site, something I am convinved many (honest) people would welcome.
A concerned expat in Maldives.