Daily Voting News For October 26, 2007
Daily Voting News For October 26, 2007
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org
The utter arrogance of ES&S has been revealed again with the revelation of a letter from the Colorado SOS to the company. It seems that ES&S is dragging its feet and obstructing the court ordered recertification of their system used by two Colorado counties. One paragraph from that letter says it all about ES&S and its lack of any partnership with its customers. "In addition, it is my understanding that there is a history of coordination issues with your company. Those issues include the following: changing project managers multiple times since April, providing incorrect programming of required databases for testing, providing incorrect ballots for testing, failing to provide required documentation of Federal testing, and test failures requiring extensive machine servicing."
Today’s quotation is from an Editorial in the Redding (CA) Record Searchlight: “In person or by post, though, it's more and more obvious that the smartest way to run elections is with dumb technology. Your ink might run dry, but nobody has ever hacked a pen.”...
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon Co-Director and Information Manager VotersUnite.Org
Gideon Co-Director and Information Manager VotersUnite.Org