Giuliani: "We want to sell you something"
Giuliani Tells Manufacturers That What Defines "The Essential Nature" of Americans is "We Want to Sell You Something"
Mark Karlin, Editor and Publisher,
BuzzFlash found an actual statement reflecting Rudolph Giuliani's honest thoughts. On Friday, December 7, he told an association of manufacturers in Illinois:
"You know what the essential nature of the American people is?" Giuliani said. "You know because your association stands for it. The essential nature of the American people is: We want to sell you something."
So it's not about the charade of trumped up GOP family values (of which Giuliani has been the antithesis in his personal life), nor the importance of religion, nor the nobility of democracy.
No, Rudy cuts right to the chase when among fellow hucksters: what defines us as Americans is that "We want to sell you something."
As usual, this most revealing of Rudy G. comments came at the end of an article (in this case in the November 8th Chicago Sun-Times). That's where we find a lot of the most important news in the mainstream media, in the last paragraph of news stories.
So, it's not about leadership, or moral values, or the Pledge of Allegiance.
It's about packaging, not substance.
And who can embody that more than the man who screwed up everything about handling NYC before, during and after 9/11, except for cutting a "heroic" and "defiant" image for the media? All style, no accountability.
There's something deeply troubling to hear a Republican like Rudy G. bare it all to the business community: what we are about as a nation, they believe, is not our liberty and freedom; it's about selling.
That's right: selling products that we don't need, selling wars, selling politicians who are corrupt and immoral (but repackaging them as heroic), selling us torture, selling us fear, selling us down the river so that a select few at the top can profit and seize unprecedented power.
The great experience of democracy, Rudy revealed, is not about all that patriotic pablum we learn in school; no, the "essential nature" of us as Americans is pushing products, just like Rudy G. is peddling "9/11" as his "brand."
No, Rudy G., America's greatness is not about "selling"; it's about real freedom, and real democracy, and real Constitutional rights, and real liberty -- not the manufactured slogans sold to us by you and the Republican Party.
You don't have to "sell" democracy; you just have to be able to breathe it to savor it.
That is our "essential nature" and nobility as a nation.