Lyndon Hood's Pics of the Weeks: October 2008
Lyndon Hood's Pics of the Weeks: October 2008
Scoop editorial images by Lyndon Hood, for stories from October 2008. For previous images see Pics of the Weeks: September 2008.

Lyndon Hood - News Missed During The Peters Saga

Greens - Are Chinese spies monitoring Fonterra and NZers?

Election 08 - Gordon Campbell’s Election Launch 2008 Review

Lyndon Hood - Campaign 2008 - The Superhero vs Monster Movie

Statistics New Zealand - Large statistical database now free

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Public Service Association - NZ cannot afford to cut its public services

NZ First - Key Must Explain His Maori Party Deal

C.D. Sludge - Sludge Report: Whose Money Are We Guaranteeing?

Salvation Army - Grim reality for New Zealand's forgotten families

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Election 08 - Gordon Campbell On The Politics Of Poverty

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Election 08 - National’s dilemma, if elected – if not Labour Lite, then what?

Greens - Key's Welfare Proposal Unworkable and Unfair

Rabobank - Future of NZ wine: industry report

Lyndon Hood - Manifesto Of The Sarcasm Party

National - Desperation drips from latest smear attempt

National - National announces Action Plan for Violent Crime

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Election 08 - Stealing The US Election