95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady
95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady

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1220 - What's under the mountain? Rob Mitchell - Federated Mountain Clubs
We head into the show with another look at the ongoing mining in national parks saga. It seems every week brings with it more leaked documents from the ministries responsible for the government's so-called "stock-take" of mineral resources on crown land. The latest concern Mt. Aspiring National Park. Officials say 700 square kilometres of the park has high mineral prosperity and have recommended it be considered for removal from schedule 4 protection under the Crowns Mineral Act. What? Energy Minister GerryBrownlee reckons any concern about mining in the park is just scare-mongering, a sentiment echoed by the mining industry. But this morning I spoke with (above) who says the very fact cabinet is considering the proposal makes this issue worthy of a little concern. I'll play that interview around 12.20.
1240 - Paid leave for Dads, Families Commissioner Gregory Fortuin
At 1240 we talk to (above) about their renewed calls for the Government to fund four weeks paid parental leave for fathers. They've just published research based on a survey of 1721 fathers about a range of issues related to their role. Gregory says there's a clear indication that dads need more than 2 weeks unpaid leave as the initial bonding phase with a child is crucial for a child's development. And as someone about to become a father myself, I find it hard to disagree.
1300 - Australia's New Opposition Leader
At one we're hoping to hear from someone on the team at Crikey - an independent media website out of Australia. Why do we want to hear from them? Well, their opposition - the Liberal party - now has a new leader Tony Abbott. He's a climate change skeptic, a former jesuit priest (known as the mad monk), and now the man charged with reviving the sagging fortunes of Australia's centre-right. But who the bloody hell is he? Hopefully we'll have some answers for you at one.
1320 - Counterclockwise
Lyndon Hood joins us for counterclockwise today thanks to the good folks at scoop. Today: Hone to stay, but has to stay away. A small aside from Don Brash the other day - what's this about the task-force having people from both sides of the political spectrum? Also, more urgency - and how it may have landed a National MP in hot water after he inserted a clause into an unrelated bill to help a guy from his electorate expand his business.
1340 - Net Neutrality, Ben Gracewood
And to end the show, Ben Gracewood, guru of technology, gadgets and gizmos chats about the current debate surrounding net-neutrality here in New Zealand. With an ISP here offering "un-metered" (or "free" in some respects) access to YouTube, the largest video-hosting website in the world, critics are crying foul, saying ISP's are now dictating where we can and cannot surf. Are we about to have our "open internet"access now curtailed so the highest bidder can drive traffic to them and them alone? Or is it merely a kind gesture from those ISP's in an effort to preserve data caps?