Protesters blockaded the New Zealand Stock Exchange this morning frustrated with global inaction on climate change and critical of market-based systems being proposed to tackle the problem.
Activists occupied an office on the second floor of the exchange and nine people were arrested blockading the south entrance to the building.
Another group of protestors scaled the Foreign Affairs and Trade and unfurled a large banner singling out Fonterra as an environmental terrorist.
Photos by Spike Mountjoy and Nick Tapp

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Cheerleaders for Climate Action

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Activists occupy the Stock Exchange

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They were later brought out by the police

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Vested interests: young climate activists blockade the northern entrance to the New Zealand Stock Exchange

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Others blockade the Exchange's southern entrance

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Police move in for arrest

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Climate Activists scale the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and unfurl a banner criticising dairy co-operative Fonterra - Photo Nick Tapp