A Brighter Future SPECIAL report - Inflation Expected - Cannabis Debate Resumes - Vital Statistics - Lockwood On Apec - The Speaker Explains All - And SECRETS and Lies...in case you missed it...
A Brighter Future - Five Steps Ahead
- The Bright Future programme is one of the ways the Government will contribute to building a stronger, more diversified economy in the future says Treasurer Bill English. See... Speech to Bright Future Launch, Avalon, 18 August [1] in the Parliament wire.
[1] -
- Labour Leader Helen
Clark says the policy is a joke and little more than an
exercise in hand-wringing at a time when the New Zealand
economy needs leadership and action from government -
See... A pitiful Nats hand-wringing exercise -
Clark [1] .
- Michael Cullen says the launch is out to lunch [2] .
- The Alliance's
Liz Gordon says the best investment in the knowledge economy
is education [3]
- The APSU Student
Union observes - To Those Who Have It Shall Be Given [4]
- and Libertarianz says it's a Brain Drain Briber [5] .
See Scoop's Parliament And Politics Wire for a whole lot more...
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00305.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00302.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00308.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00052.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00051.htm
Jenny Shipley - Bright Future Package A Challenge For All
NZers [1]
Max Bradford - Preparing Tertiary Education For The
Future [2]
Nick Smith - Students And Teachers Primed For Knowledge
Economy [3]
Max Bradford - Building New Zealand's Knowledge Base
[4] .
Max Bradford - Cutting Red Tape - Removing Regulatory
Roadblocks [5] .
Max Bradford - Growing Good Ideas And Making Them Work
Bill English - Backyard Brilliance Into Jobs And
Incomes [7]
Max Bradford - Tax Compliance Costs Reduced [8]
Max Bradford - Building A Bright Future [9]
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00309.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00307.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00306.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00304.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00303.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00301.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00300.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00299.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00298.htm
HOW A BRIGHTER FUTURE IS RATING - It appears Scoop readers are reading the Brighter Future avidly - Scoop is headed for a second consecutive daily record keep it up and tell your friends :) - the Scoop team. For a look at the early standings see.. top 20 at 2pm in the News Monitor wire.
See.. http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/NM9908/S00118.htm
Inflation Pressure Expected - Reserve Bank
- The Reserve Bank has, as expected, this morning kept its cash rate static in its Monetary Policy Statement. However the markets are expected to tighten slightly following the announcement as Dr Brash is forecasting increasing inflationary pressure over the coming 12 months. See... Scoop's Alastair Thompson's report from the lockup - Inflation Just Around The Corner - Reserve Bank [1] in the Headlines wire. See also Reserve Bank MPS: Summary of Economic Projections [2] in the Business and Reserve Bank MPS: Governor's Overview [3] in the Business wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9908/S00068.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU9908/S00071.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU9908/S00072.htm
Urgent Cannabis Debate Unlikely - Politics Prevails
- Scoop's Jonathan Hill looks at why we are unlikely to see the urgent issues associated with skyrocketing cannabis use addressed in the near future. See... Cannabis Out Of Closet, But Don't Hold Your Breath [1] in the Headlines wire. See also the comments further down this page.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9908/S00069.htm
Native Forest Action Slam Timberlands/Shandwick
- Native Forest Action today slammed Timberlands and their public relations company Shandwick over allegations made in the new book Secrets and Lies. They say Shandwick should apologise to New Zealand. See... Shandwick Apologise To New Zealand - NFA [1] and that the Coast Action Network is a creation of Timberlands. See... Coast Action Network creation of Timberlands: FACT [2] . All in the Politics wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00049.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00050.htm
Lest We Forget Winston Peters Fall From Power
- "Today is the anniversary of Jenny Shipley's best ever decision - sacking Winston Peters. Mr Peters has been busy trying to rewrite history but let's remember he was Treasurer for nearly two years and his period in office was disastrous," says ACT. See... Lest We Forget [1] in the Parliament wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00296.htm
Organic Apples Fetch Five Times The Price
- As an international market glut crushes the prices for New Zealand Braeburn apples to $7 per carton, the same apples produced organically are fetching around $35 per carton. See... Organic Braeburns Five Times The Price, Greens Say [1] in the Politics wire.
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00048.htm
Turkish Quake
- An huge earthquake has killed more than 1000 people in Turkey since the quake struck yesterday, centred at the industrial town of Izmit at 3.02am Turkish time. The death toll is expected to keep rising as flattened high rise buildings and apartments contain many trapped people.
Kevin Roberts' Letter From Manilla
- Kevin Roberts has delivered another speech on his vision for the future. "I've called it Nine Muses after the daughters of Zeus who have inspired creativity over the centuries. I hope you find some inspiration too", Kevin says. See... Kevin Roberts Speech: Nine Muses [1] in the Business wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU9908/S00064.htm
SECRETS AND LIES: The Native Logging Scandal - the Fallout
- Nicky Hager, the author of Secret Power -
the bestseller that documents New Zealand's involvement in
the global spy community - has just written a book
documenting how a public relations company has worked to
eliminate public debate over native logging by the State
Owned Enterprise Timberlands West Coast limited. Secrets and
Lies was written after Hager was leaked a stack of papers
from Timberlands' public relations company, Shandwick, which
shows how highly questionable methods were used to discredit
protestors and shut up debate on the issue. See... Timberlands Book Makes Worries For
Government [1] in the Headlines wire. The Green Party
has immediately called on State Owned Enterprises Minister
Tony Ryall to initiate an investigation into Timberlands
following the allegations in the book. See... Greens Urge Ryall To Initiate Timberlands
Inquiry [2]
in the Parliament wire. Native Forest
Action say the revelations are shocking and that they had no
idea of the scale of the campaign against them. See... New Book's Revelations Shocking - NFA
[3] in the Politics wire. The Alliance's Phillida
Bunkle says the Prime Minister faces a grilling in
parliament next Tuesday over her involvement in Timberlands'
public relations activities. See... Timberlands evidence to be probed [4]
in the Parliament wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9908/S00065.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00275.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00044.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00285.htm
AND LIES: THE INFOPACK: On Timberlands Allegations
- A series of information releases have been provided to
accompany the launch of Secrets and Lies. The book by Bob
Burton and Nicky Hager claims Timberlands Worked To "Neutralise"
Greenies [1] and that Timberlands actively targeted the
Labour Party due to fears that a change of government would
see the end of native logging. See... State Company Targets Labour Party [2] .
The book alleges that West Coasters Manipulated By PR Campaign
[3] and that Jenny Shipley was behind the vigorous
political lobbying. See... Jenny Shipley Behind SOE's Political
Lobbying [4] . See also... State Company's Dirty Tricks Exposed [5]
and <
TARGET="NRmain">Secrets And Lies - Background Info On
Writers [6] . All in the Politics wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00041.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00039.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00038.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00037.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00036.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00040.htm
The Cannabis Debate Resumes
- Comments from Labour MP Tim Barnett that Labour would review cannabis law have prompted a flurry of response. Roger Sowry has called on Helen Clark to reign in her maverick MP. See... Labour soft on drugs ? [1] in the Parliament wire. The National Organisation For The Reform of Marijuana Laws supported Labour's call. See... NORML Endorses Labour Call To Review Cannabis Law [2] , while the ALCP say prohibition is a National evil. See... Time to rid NZ of "National evil", say ALCP [3] in the Politics wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00294.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00043.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9908/S00047.htm
Four Weeks To APEC - What Does It Mean For NZ?
- With only four weeks to the main APEC summit Trade Minister Lockwood Smith delivered a speech this morning outlining what he thinks the summit means for New land. See... APEC: What it means for New Zealand Business [1] in the Parliament wire.
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00293.htm
Silver Fern Dies
- Ex Silver Fern netballer Leilani Read died yesterday after suffering a stroke. She was 25.
What Makes Parliament Tick?
- Brace yourselves. In a lengthy address to a seminar of lawyers yesterday, Speaker of the House Doug Kidd tackled the question of what makes Parliament tick. Read the entire speech. We dare you. See... What Makes Parliament Tick? - Speaker [1] in the Parliament wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9908/S00286.htm
Vital Statistics
- The estimated number of live births in New Zealand in the June 1999 year totalled 56,843. This compares with 56,514 births in the June 1998 year, Deputy Government Statistician Dianne Macaskill said yesterday. For more see... 1999 Vital Statistics [1] in the General wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/GE9908/S00095.htm
Officials Warn Of Deadly Stomach Disease
- Already over 40 cases of the potentially deadly V-tec disease have been reported this year compared to a total of 80 over the past five years and the authorities are concerned. See... Officials Issue Warning of Deadly Stomach Disease [1] in the Auckland wire.
[1] -
The Next Step In The Blood Access Debate
- This erosion of 'the spirit' of Privacy Act rights must surely be destined for a legislative tidy-up. That's clearly the next step necessary in the DNA-Blood-Library paternity case debate consuming the minds of Auckland's legal fraternity this week. Scoop's Selwyn Manning reports. See... Paternity-Blood-Access Ruling Needs Legislation [1] in the Headlines wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9908/S00066.htm