Scoop wishes its readers a very merry Christmas and a restive holiday season.
JESUS 2000
SCOOP WISHES READERS A MERRY AND RESTIVE CHRISTMAS - It has been a remarkably long six months for Scoop since we set up and launched this site in June. As we reach the end of the year - the century and the millennium - Scoop would like to thank all those who have assisted by supplying material and news tips. Scoop would especially like to thank Jonathan Hill, John Howard and Selwyn Manning whose hard work and dedication have been invaluable, and whose combined efforts have given the Scoop the spirit and edge which it is rapidly becoming well known for. Finally we would also like to thank the loyal and supportive readers whose kind words of encouragement have made it a pleasure to maintain this news service. Kia Kaha....the Scoop Team.
Santa On His
- An unusual object has been detected by the navy frigate HMAS NEWCASTLE, during a routine patrol off the coast of East Timor's enclave, Oecussi. See... Santa Sighted Off East Timor [1] in the Headlines wire.
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John Howard's Christmas Reflections
- As I sat listening to the piped-in Christmas music, I began to experience the same quiet happiness that creeps into me every December 25. See... John Howard's Christmas Reflections [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Jesus’s Message To The World In 1999
- One of the most extraordinary documentaries Scoop has ever seen was broadcast on TV2 in October. The documentary “Signs Of God - Science Tests Faith” from Fox News was originally broadcast in July. In the documentary a woman who experiences the miracle of stigmata relayed a message she said was from Jesus himself. See... Jesus Christ Tells FOXNews He Wants To Hug World [1] and Scoop Images: Fox News Broadcasts Message From God [2] in the Scoop Archive..
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HARD NEWS: Imagining the Era of Inclusion
- GOOD DAY MEDIAPHILES ... it's just over 10 years since the Berlin Wall was opened, effectively ending the partition not only of the German capital, but of Europe itself; and just short of 10 years since Nelson Mandela was released from internment, setting in motion majority rule for South Africa. Both gave weight to the belief that justice will out, and both were brought live to a global TV audience. See... HARD NEWS: Imagining the Era of Inclusion [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Free To Good Home
- So this isn't exactly news, but a friend of Scoop has one 12 week old kitten free to a good home. great X-Mas pressie! Female, silver tabby, had first vaccination, weaned and beautiful. Low maintainance, cheap and a friend for life. The kids will love it and so will you! Call Marisa 04 801 7179. It's not too late!
All Over - At Last
- Parliament last night completed the third reading of the Labour/Alliance governments tax increase bill. The National Act Opposition provided a spirited opposition but with the support of the Greens there was never any doubt that the measures would be passed. Parliament has now adjourned till February 8. See some of the parliamentary speeches and tax-related press releases on the subject... Legislation to raise top personal tax rate [1] in the Parliament wire. See also ... Taxation (Tax Rate Increase) Bill - Info Sheet [2] and Taxation Bill First Reading Speech [3] . ACT says the tax hike means Labour is breaking its promise to voters. See.. Labour Breaks Credit-Card Pledge - ACT [4] in the Parliament wire. See also Green Party Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons’ speech on the taxation legislation and taxation in general... Green Taxation – Jeanette Fitzsimons Speech [5] in the Parliament wire.
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Photo Essay - Massive Wellington Waterfront Plans
- In the interests of informing the public, Scoop has taken a number of photographs from a scale model which show plans for massive building development on the Wellington Waterfront. This plan is open for submissions from the public. See... Photo Essay - The Wellington Waterfront Plans [1] in the Headlines wire.
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US Will Waive Penalties For Y2K Tax Problems
- At the eleventh-hour of the new Millennium the taxation service (IRS) in the US says it will waive penalties and interest for legitimate Y2K-related tax problems. John Howard reports. See... US Will Waive Penalties For Y2K Tax Problems [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Grozny Battle Rages As Russian Denials Continue
- Russian troops and militia groups appear to be fighting head to head with Chechnen rebels dug into the ruins of the capital Grozny, in spite of statements from Russian leaders saying ground forces would not enter the city. See... Grozny Battle Rages As Russian Denials Continue [1] in the Headlines wire.
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NEWS ANALYSIS: The Pendulum of Democracy Swings Away From
- Historically, Russia has vacillated between two extremes. At one extreme, Russia enclosed itself, separating itself from the rest of Europe on every level. At the other extreme, Russia opened itself to the west, absorbing everything western as superior to anything Russian. Russia has found it very hard to find the middle ground between the two extremes. See... The Pendulum of Democracy Swings Away From West [1] in the Headlines wire.
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US Finally Pays Portion of $1.17b UN Debt
- The US has saved itself the international embarrassment of losing its vote in the UN General Assemby on 31 December by paying part of the $1.17 billion it owes in outstanding fees. John Howard reports. See... US Finally Pays Portion of $1.7b UN Debt [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Salvation Army Allocates $100,000 For
Rural Youth
- The Salvation Army through its Jeff Farm and Edmund Sanderson Jeff Scholarship scheme has approved 24 scholarships valued at $100,000 to young people from around New Zealand to study at Lincoln, Telford and Canterbury next year. See... Salvation Army Allocates $100,000 For Rural Youth [1] in the Education wire.
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Student foodbanks to continue under Labour
- The New Zealand University Students Association (NZUSA) was disappointed with the response from the Minister of State Services to a parliamentary question from the Green Party relating to the accessibility of Community Wage - (Student) over the summer break. See... Student foodbanks to continue under Labour [1] in the Education wire.
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Ministry Of Health Plays Russian Roulette, With Amalgam
- In the continuing controversy surrounding amalgam fillings, Graham Capill, leader of the Christian Heritage Party, revealed that the Ministry of Health has finally admitted its negligence in the matter. See... Ministry Of Health Plays Russian Roulette, Again! [1] in the Politics wire.
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Rod Donald Speech On Party Hopping
- Speech by Rod Donald MP, Co-leader Green Party Aotearoa, In Parliament Debating Chamber On Electoral (Integrity) Amendment Bill - First Reading. See... Rod Donald Speech On Party Hopping Bill [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Party Hopping Bill Populist – Upton -
The Electoral (Integrity) Amendment Bill introduced into Parliament by the Government today bears all the hallmarks of a populist measure that makes no constitutional sense according to senior Opposition spokesperson, Simon Upton. See... Electoral Integrity Bill Unnecessary, Ineffective [1] in the Parliament wire. Tony Ryall says the Bill will not work. See... Party Hopping Bill Won’t Work - Ryall [2] in the Parliament wire.
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Rape Crisis Praises 14-Year Sentence
- Rape Crisis praised the sentence of 14 years handed down in the High Court on Thursday to a man who subjected his neice to nine years of rape and sexual abuse. See... Rape Crisis praises 14-year sentence [1] in the General wire.
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