Dover Samuels – Tariana Turia – Fiji Tourism – George Speight – East Timor – Cannabis Killing – Palmerston North Murder – Australian Human Rights – Olympic Torch – Chinese Wave
DOVER SAMUELS: Dover Samuels has been cleared of the final allegation against him. That he had sex with someone under 20 in his care and protection. The woman accuser’s uncle Rodney Tergerthan says they are not considering civil action. Dover Samuels is saying that he will seek justice, but Tregerthan says he is not worried. Samuels’ lawyer. Prebble says that he hopes everyone can move on. The PM was unavailable to comment on the issue. A PM’s spokesman says that Clark is pleased with the result.
TARIANA TURIA: Labour MP Tariana Turia is preparing an apology for her “holocaust” speech. The PM says that the word holocaust should not be used about the NZ experience. Turia was not appearing on camera today. Turia was going to give a different speech last week but last minute confusion led to the speech – that hadn’t been approved – being delivered. Turia now has a minder in the form of fellow minister Steve Maharey.
FIJI TOURISM: A TV commercial about Fiji has angered Foreign Affairs Minister Phil Goff. The advert says the only thing that has changed before and after the crisis is the prices. Goff says that the country no-longer has a democratic government. Goff says the advert is tasteless. Democracy campaigners also do not like it. Fiji’s visitors bureau is defending the advert. Goff is to head to Fiji on Thursday to meet the interim government.
FIJI COUP: Coup Leader George Speight was not freed when he appeared in court today in Fiji. Several of his co-accused coup plotters were expecting to be freed and brought their suitcases. The judge followed a High Court ruling in his decision to keep Speight in custody.
EAST TIMOR: 600 fresh NZ troops will go to East Timor in November and will stay till late May.
CANNABIS KILLING: The trial of a man accused of shooting a cannabis grower has begun. The accused says he did not mean to kill the cannabis grower when he shot him. Vaughn was shot after he was found tending his plot. He was challenged by the farmer and tried to run away before being shot in the back.
PALMERSTON NORTH MURDER: Police investigating the Palmerston North Lundy murders (mother and daughter) are seeking information from the public on a special phone number 0800 679 468.
AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS: Australian PM John Howard is heading to New York to respond to UN criticism of Australia’s human rights record. “We do not intend to continue accepting without criticism a committee process that is flawed,” says Howard. Criticisms includes mandatory sentencing, the treatment of Aboriginals and
OLYMPIC TORCH: The Olympic Torch has reached the outskirts of Sydney, it stayed in the city only briefly and has now been carried south of the city.
CHINESE WAVE: A small scale
Tsunami on a river in China nearly killed 30 people who were
swept away when the wave was bigger than expected.