People’s Bank – Fiji Elections – East Timor Elections – Virgin Not Selling – Gavin Dash Murder Verdict – Crime Statistics
PEOPLE’S BANK: Jim Bolger has been
appointed as the chair of the new NZ Post Bank subsidiary.
Meanwhile an investigation in to Treasury leaks has narrowed
down its focus.
FIJI ELECTIONS: In Fiji counting is underway in a democratic election. It looks as though Mahendra Chaudry’s government may govern again. There is an impression that another election landslide is on its way. The counting process is being obstructed by lots of invalid votes. Some say the slow way is the only way in Fiji.
EAST TIMOR ELECTIONS: Election results in East Timor show that Jose Ramos Horta and the Freitilin Party are winning.
VIRGIN NOT SELLING: Richard Branson announced today he was selling his airline to Air New Zealand. And then said it was a joke. He said he was not selling to Air New Zealand and that he had rejected an Ansett offer. There was not a lot of support for the idea in Australia.
GAVIN DASH MURDER VERDICT: A murder trial that ended in anger and disbelief has become even more controversial. It has now been revealed that in their hunt for Gavin Dash’s killer they paid a convicted murderer $10,000. The Dash’s plan to write to the Minister of Justice to complain against the verdict. Phil Goff says he sympathises with the family but believes it is a decision rightly made by the jury.
STATS: Police figures show the overall crime rate is
falling. But violent crime is up nearly nine percent.
Yesterday there were three aggravated robberies in Auckland.
Police think there is now more violent crime reported due to
increased use of cellphones. Phil Goff says that
meth-amphetamines is having an impact too. Overall fewer
crimes are being committed and more are being solved.
Homicides are down by 6.7%, burglaries are down. The
government today announced a new crime