1. GANG FENCE DOWNED: Gang fence bulldozed under new laws in Christchurch. Highway 61 fence brought down by council diggers 10 years after police first wanted to do so. Neighbours not keen to publicly support the council. Gang is not commenting. Hastily built fence went up late today.
2. JFK JUNIOR: Chilling evidence about JFK Junior's final flight. The plane was falling at 6000 feet per minute. The plane is thought to have been in a speed spiral. Investigators say the aircraft had passed a regular inspection . Plane has not yet been found on the ocean floor.
3. JFK JUNIOR: Live from Hyannisport: Caroline Kennedy has not spoken to media yet. Ted Kennedy has left to go to New York and we believe he went to see Caroline. Kennedy family statement says the family is overwhelmed with grief and is relying heavily on faith.
4. ELECTRICITY: NZ First has decided to string the government along over electricity regulation legislation. Winston Peters appears to be playing for time. Winston isn't saying whether he will come to the government's rescue or not yet. It looks just like the coalition days when Peters held the balance of power. ACT says it will never work with any coalition which relies on NZ First.
5. SCOTT WATSON TRIAL: Court finished early today after technical malfunction called problems. Video conference system for overseas witnesses failed. Court started an hour late after Juror got caught in traffic. Court hampered by technical difficulties - video evidence kept malfunctioning. After lunch Christchurch witnesses didn't turn up because no flights arrived and then video evidence came from Western Australia. Christchurch witnesses have now arrived after fog cleared in Christchurch.
6. APPEAL COURT: Appeal Court has ordered a new trial for a Danniverke man who is suing the police over being framed for a drug prosection.
7. WANGANUI DEATH: A 14-year-old boy who bled to death in Wanganui is believed to have been playing with explosives - earlier the death had been thought to have involved a firearm.
8. BLACKOUT ABANDONED:Plans to turn lights out in Auckland in a Bledisloe Cup - Blackout - promotion has been abandoned after the problem raised concerns that the National Grid could not cope with people turning the lights back on all at once.