INCIS: The minister of finance wants computer giant IBM to complete the work it has agreed to do on INCIS - and if it doesn't it may take legal action. Bill Birch says he does not accept the reasons given by IBM.
GE MAIZE: A US company wanting to hold field trials in NZ with GE maize - Pioneer - says the experiment will be highly controlled. Research in the US shows pollen from the maize can kill monarch butterflies.
PATIENT SAFETY: Patient safety is to become a factor in Hospital business plans. Health Minister Wyatt Creech says there needs to be a culture of safety following two cases of lapses.
RUSSIAN PM SACKED: Russian President Boris Yeltsin has named a former KGB spy as his preferred Prime Minister. Russian and German sources say the nominee worked as a KGB spy in Dresden East Germany. Former Russian PM Stepashin said his government was not corrupt.
FISHERIES COMMISSION: The question of what is an Iwi will be back before the Court of Appeal today as the Maori Fisheries row continues.
DIY BANK: Another small
Northland town Manganui is setting up a do-it-yourself bank.
The community lost its only bank in March when the ANZ