The Dominion
LOTTO CHAIR MAY GO: The job of Lotteries Commission chairman Geoff Thompson hangs in the balance over the resignation of the Commission’s chief executive’s $400,000 salary.
PAROLE MAY BE TROUBLE: A mentally ill man who was jailed for robbery and not given the help the judge ordered will instantly reoffend if the Parole Board frees him, his lawyer says.
TELECOM BACK OUT: Telecom is backing out of its school sposorship programme which used to inject $9 million a year into schools.
LOTTERY SALARIES: The top 15 staff at the Lotteries Commission receive $2.2 million per year in salaries.
EMPLOYMENT CASE: Departing Lotteries head David Bale may have a good case for constructive dismissal, a Wellington lawyer says.
ANSETT: Ansett cancelled 48 flights yesterday as their pilots called in sick – apparently too stressed over contract negotiations to fly.
PAID PARENTAL LEAVE DIES: The government killed the Alliance’s Paid Parental Leave Bill last night – 60 votes – 58.
ACT TAX CUTS: ACT will re-extend the failed tax cut deal if part of a new government.
TRADE: Fisheries
Minister John Luxton met his Japanes counterpart yesterday
but didn’t mention the embarrassing Tuna Court