The Dominion
TIMOR: East Timor’s capital Dili was burning last night as pro-Indonesian gangs continue their bloody rampage and Indonesia finally admitted the situation is out of control.
HIGHWAY: Carterton and Masterton mayors want State Highway 2 renamed with a tourist friendly name – something like Sunshine Highway has been suggested.
WATSON: Murder accused Scott Watson killed Ben Smart and Olivia Hope and in doing so fulfilled his own prophecy and desire to kill a woman, the Crown said in summing up yesterday.
REFUGEES JAILED: Nineteen refugees are being detained in Mt Eden prison because of fears they could be terrorists, in New Zealand for APEC.
TIMOR / APEC: East Timor must stay on the sidelines of the APEC economic forum, Foreign Affairs Minister Don McKinnon said.
EMPTY OFFICES: WINZ’s lease on empty offices in Westport has 14 months to run and will cost $77,000. West Coast-Tasman MP Damien O’Connor said this was outrageous.
APEC AGENDA HURTS POOR: The APEC economic agenda was hurting the poor, Filipino Union leader Crispin Beltran said yesterday.
TOURISM: The NZ Tourism Board was working with APEC organisers to maximise the selling of New Zealand, Board Chairman George Hickton said yesterday.
DAEWOO: The motor vehicle dealers’ licensing
board is reconsidering its decision to cancel Daewoo’s
license to sell new