Central Otago Floods - Reserve Bank - Political Reaction - Greens In The Clear On Website - Greens Attacked Over Cannabis - Sweat Shops - Jesse Jackson Arrested - Dangerous Offender - Auckland Sex Trial - Hyatt Hotel Dispute - Pacific Island Offending - Fish And Chips
CENTRAL OTAGO FLOODS: Floods: Massive floods in Queenstown. Wanaka suffering from telephone and power problems. Police asking people across Central Otago to stay at home. Contact Energy says flows in the Clutha are presently 6 times normal and that they are powerless to slow the flow. The rain is also causing more problems in the West Coast valley which suffered from a massive slip. James Morrison from Weather Workshop is predicting the rain band to push northwards. Inland Canterbury can expect more rain.
RESERVE BANK: The Reserve Bank has raised the official cash rate by half a percent. Dr Don Brash says that all recent signs point to strong growth in the economy. Dr Brash says he can see mortgage rates rising to 8% in the medium term.
POLITICAL REACTION: Treasurer has welcomed the Reserve Bank projections which indicate strong prolonged growth. Richard Prebble says growth predictions. Michael Cullen says it is a domestic - borrow and spend - recovery at the moment.
GREEN'S IN THE CLEAR: Police investigating a complaint about the Green Party web-site say that it appears there was no offence committed on the basis of a preliminary inquiry.
GREEN'S ATTACKED OVER CANNABIS: The PM has attacked the Green policy of decriminalising cannabis on a visit to the Coromandel. National is presently running second in the poll. Shipley made no mention of support for decriminalisation by her Minister of police.
SWEAT SHOPS: Auckland's Chief Labour Inspector says there have been several reports of more sweat shops following publicity concerning exploitative conditions in a clothing factory.
JESSE JACKSON ARRESTED: Jesse Jackson has been led away in hand-cuffs from a protest about the expulsion of several students from a high school for getting into a fight.
DANGEROUS OFFENDER: An escaped dangerous offender - Peter Matahiri - has been caught again and charged with a Labour weekend home invasion and bashing in Manurewa.
AUCKLAND SEX TRIAL: A man accused of sexually abusing a family member for 10 years as a sex-slave has admitted to the rape of one victim but denies raping another.
HYATT HOTEL: The Service and Food Workers Union are taking out an injunction against the Hyatt Hotel which plans to outsource its housekeeping and has given 30 staff members a months notice.
PACIFIC ISLAND OFFENDING: A Pacific Youth Justice seminar in Porirua is discussing the high rates of offending and arrest among Pacific Island young people.
FISH AND CHIPS: A Lower Hutt fish and chip shop - Blue Island at Moera - has again won a national - best fish and chip shop award. The cook says the secret is fresh fish and good quality oil.