Delamere - Polls - Gold In Them There Floods - Cat Rescues MP - Man Blown Up - Political Headlines - Big Adverts - Editorial
DELAMERE: The Dominion leads today with a report that the sacking of Immigration Minister Tuariki Delamere and subsequent withdrawal of residency approvals for Chinese investors in Maori-based projects could end up in the courts. Tuariki Delamere is pictured with his running mate Tame Iti at a press conference.
Also on the front page:
- POLLS: a report that Labour will end nine years in opposition tomorrow, but it will need the Alliance and the Green Party to form a government, according to two opinion polls;
- GOLD IN WAKE OF FLOODS: a report that gold is waiting to be picked out of Central Otago rivers after last week's floods;
- CAT RESCUES MP: a report that former Labour MP Sonja Davies said yesterday that her cat knocked the receiver off her phone so she could call for help after a heavy fall at the weekend;
- TREATY SETTLEMENT: a report that Manawatu's Rangitane tribe is to be paid $8.5 million by the Crown to settle Treaty of Waitangi grievances;
- MAN BLOWN UP: a report that a Stratford man died when his home-made bomb exploded yesterday after he made a warning to the town's police station;
POLITICS: Political Headlines
- Demonstrators
disrupt ACT rally;
- PM uses last speech to attack Clark,
- Clark: I'm Taking nothing for granted;
- One
down, two to go in Sir Douglas's Treaty bid;
- Anderton
outlines first 100 days;
ADVERTS: The paper features a special section devoted to the election with a picture of the Party Leaders as cards on the front - Winston as the Joker and Jenny as the Queen of hearts. The section is backed by a full page advert colour advert for the Labour Party - "It's The Party Vote we need" and a smiling Helen Clark. The first section of the paper features a full-page colour National Party advert - "Keep New Zealand on track" and a smiling Jenny Shipley.
EDITORIAL: The editorial is
headlined "Holding On To The