WTO Protest – East Timor Casualty – Tamihere – Coalition – Super Heat – Hunger Strikers – Mexican Mass Graves
WTO PROTEST: Protestors against the WTO are in the thick of a teargas battle on the streets of Seattle. 68,000 protestors. Lockwood Smith says the protestors are succeeding in disrupting the meeting.
EAST TIMOR CASUALTY: The international force in East Timor is investigating the death of a New Zealand soldier from Linton in a truck accident. The PM and Defence Minister have offered their sympathy for the family.
TAMIHERE: The new MP for Hauraki John Tamihere is being picked as a minister outside cabinet.
COALITION: The Alliance is expected to get 5 cabinet posts in the coalition government.
SUPER HEAT: Labour is feeling the heat after announcing it intends to scrap the Super 2000 Taskforce. Critics say a political consensus is necessary. The Retirement Commissioner will not comment.
HUNGER STRIKERS: The acting Immigration Minister says that NZ could become a target for illegal immigrants if it becomes a soft touch for refugees. The 16 hunger-strikers at Mt Eden prison are expected to be released today.
MEXICAN MASS GRAVES: Mass graves fround on the Mexican Border are believed to the work of drug cartels.