Sue Bradford sells out beneficiaries
Tony Ryall
National Housing Spokesperson
27 July 2000
Sue Bradford sells out beneficiaries
Sue Bradford's crowing about her new clause in the Income Related Rents Bill just rubs salt in the wound for the 280,000 low paid and beneficiaries who won't get a thing from this discriminatory policy, National Housing spokesperson Tony Ryall said today.
"The fact is this bill will only help the 41,000 low income families that are lucky enough to be in a state house.
"Ms Bradford would be better off inserting a clause that applied income related rents to all low income families, no matter who their landlord is. Or, she should use her influence to ensure the Government provides enough state houses for everyone, not a lucky few.
"Ms Bradford, the 'beneficiaries' advocate', shows rank hypocrisy by supporting a bill that discriminates against 280,000 low income New Zealanders simply because they rent privately.
"I'm sure all of the low income families who get absolutely no benefit from this policy will be delighted that those lucky enough to be in state houses will be in an environmentally friendly and energy efficient one," Mr Ryall said.