Robson On Guns –Downright Hypocrisy
Matt Robson’s comment that over 90% of New Zealanders want tougher gun controls is nothing short of downright hypocrisy said New Zealand First Law and Order Spokesman, Ron Mark MP.
“At the last election 92% of New Zealanders told him that they wanted tougher jail sentences and hard labour for murderers, rapists and thieves and he responded by telling us that we were “confused.”
“Matt Robson went on to say that people didn’t understand the question posed in Norm Withers’ referendum or the issues.
“He has since gone on to say we should allow convicts, a good number of whom are inside for firearms offences, to have conjugal rights visits, and for prisons to be turned into play centres.
“Mr Robson has also championed himself as an advocate for open and inclusive democracy.
“The Law and Order Select Committee received 6545 submissions on the Arms Amendment Bill, the overwhelming weight of which opposed the bill.
“That was democracy in action and the committee which comprises Labour, National, New Zealand First and ACT will soon report its findings.
“The Minister should be consistent about listening to people and not selectively use public opinion poll results,” said Mr Mark