Greens Seek To Protect Poultry, Crayfish
Greens Seek To Protect Poultry, Crayfish From Cruelty
The Green Party will be seeking cross-party support for an amendment which attempts to broaden the list of animals included in Part B of Schedule 1 of the Employment Relations Bill in an effort to address animal welfare concerns.
Currently the legislation includes only sheep, cattle, goats, pigs and deer. The Green amendment ensures animals such as poultry and crayfish would be added to the clause.
The clause itself requires all people working in the holding, preparation and slaughtering of these animals to give three days notice of a strike to prevent animal suffering. Green Party Employment Spokesperson Sue Bradford said the clause would allow employers and owners of these industries time to manage their businesses so that the care of these animals can be managed. Three days is sufficient notice to ensure that transportation of animals can be rearranged so animals are not harmed.
"It is important that as many animals as possible are protected against possible suffering caused by unsignalled strikes. Crayfish and chickens are covered in animal welfare legislation and should certainly be covered in this legislation," she said.
Ms Bradford said where animals were free-range they would not be so affected. "There has been much concern by the Poultry Association about the care of their chickens. I hope that they will consider the issues the Green Party has raised many times about the care and welfare of chickens."