Huge boost for Christchurch schools
17 August 2000 Media Statement
Huge boost for Christchurch schools
Deputy Prime Minister Jim Anderton is delighted that schools in Wigram will be getting a huge boost in operational funding for next year.
"22 schools in Wigram will be better off under this government's fairier funding formula," Deputy Prime Minister Jim Anderton said.
"An extra $872,000 or an 8.4% increase in operating grants will be going into Wigram schools. When we add the one off bulkfunding bonus of $253,000 we announced in March, schools in Wigram have benefited by about a million dollars under this government so far this year.
"The Alliance has fought hard for an end to bulk funding and an increase in operational grants for schools. They were two of our key education policy promises in the election campaign.
"National's bulkfunding regime drove a wedge between teachers, parents and boards of trustees. Now it has been abolished, schools can get on with the job of teaching our children without the interference of political arguments.
"A few schools will get less funding next year and I know that some of those schools will be unhappy with the announcement.
"However, those schools knew that National's bulk funding bribe would not last under this government. Nevertheless we are not treating bulk funded schools any differently from other schools, but putting all schools on an even footing.
"Overall there is $107 million to distribute to all schools as a result of ending bulk funding including $45 million of new money set aside for schools expected to enter bulk funding, which was never distributed," Jim Anderton said.