Labour nominates Jenny Shipley Leader for Life
12 September 2000 Media Statement
Labour nominates Jenny Shipley Leader for Life
Labour Party Minister Trevor Mallard today called on the National Party to make Jenny Shipley its leader-for-life.
"Mrs Shipley's performance today was nothing short of abysmal. From a Labour Party perspective, we hope she remains in her current job for a very, very long time.
"She was prepared to go against every principle which the National Party is supposed to cherish, in the hope of scoring a few, cheap political points. In so doing, she was shown to be a complete hypocrite.
"Undoubtedly, the most pathetic aspect of Mrs Shipley's attempt to make political capital out of the closer economic partnership with Singapore was her decision to oppose it on grounds of race.
"The National Party, and the Act Party also, are willing to go to any lengths to characterise on race grounds this government's efforts to close socio-economic gaps. It is a divisive and tawdry strategy which takes politics to the lowest denominator.
"Whereas this government is trying to make New Zealand a better place for all New Zealanders - Maori and non-Maori - National and Act attempt to set race on race in populist bids for political gain. It is a sad and pathetic spectacle.
"We also saw the result of her poor judgement when evidence was promised that she thought the average family spent $1,200 per week on food.
"With someone as out of touch as this on board, the National Party is destined for a long, long time in opposition," Trevor Mallard said.