Greens Welcome Prostitution Reform Bill
The Green Party today welcomed the rapid emergence of Tim Barnett's Prostitution Reform Bill from the members ballot.
Green Party Women's Affairs spokesperson Sue Kedgley said the Greens would be supporting the bill as reforming the prostitution laws is already party policy.
"We welcome this bill into parliament and hope to see it passed rapidly. There are glaring double standards in the current laws which criminalise sex workers and protect their clients," said Ms Kedgley.
"We firmly believe that reforming the laws will iron out the inequities and make the sex industry safer for all parties who choose to be involved in it. We hope the bill will also focus on protecting minors and those forced to work in the trade," she said. "This bill has been a long time coming."
Sue Kedgley MP: 04 470 6716, 025 270 9088 Jonathan Hill (press secretary): 04 470 6719, 021 440 090