Another Human Rights Commission Blunder
Thursday 14th Dec 2000 Stephen Franks Media Release -- Other
The Human Rights Commission’s yellow sticker report is another in a long line of shockers, said ACT Justice spokesman Stephen Franks.
“The policy that drives the Human Rights Commission to declare the yellow sticker scheme against the law would be laughable if it wasn’t so sinister for our freedom. It will rank with its ban on married golf tournaments, Christian forecourt attendants and unisex hairdressers.
“Human rights once meant freedom. This commission perverts the law. Older people’s rights to invite the police to check when a young person is driving their car should have been respected.
“The coalition government plans to beef-up the commission and bury the Race Relations conciliator’s office in it. Ordinary New Zealanders should send a short and simple message on any proposal to increase the powers of this disposable body – ‘can the whole sorry crowd’,” said Stephen Franks.