Cosgrove Announces "Community Champions" Awards
Clayton Cosgrove
Member of Parliament for Waimakariri
11 July 2001
Member of Parliament for Waimakariri, Clayton Cosgrove, today (12 July 2001) launched his “Community Champions” awards, an initiative aimed at recognising individuals and groups who make special contributions to communities within the Waimakariri Electorate.
“I am launching these Community Champions awards in my electorate because I want to recognise the contributions made by people in the community who work “above and beyond” the call for the betterment of others,” Mr Cosgrove said.
The inaugural list of “community champions’ includes:
- Kaiapoi Police Station Watch House Officer Helen Smith;
- Jean Cardno (Secretary), and Edward Hammond (President), of the Belfast Friendly Club;
- Graeme Philip, North Canterbury resident and business entrepreneur; and
- Jeanette Trillo organiser of the Redwood Senior Citizens Group.
Each community champion will receive a Special Parliamentary Certificate and Mr Cosgrove intends naming future community champions in his electorate newsletter, the “Cosgrove Courier’.
“In all parts of our community there are good people who toil away supporting and assisting community groups, organisations and businesses never asking for any recognition or credit for themselves. I think it is time that these people were honoured and the nomination of them as “Community Champions’ gives me the opportunity to say thank you to these people on behalf of the community,” Mr Cosgrove said.
Mr Cosgrove will be awarding Special Parliamentary Certificates to Graeme Philip of North Canterbury and Jeanette Trillo of Redwood on Thursday 12 July 2001 at 10am at 2A Harewood Road, Papanui . Media are welcome to attend.