Preventing & Fixing Workplace Problems – New Guide
Preventing And Fixing Workplace Problems – New Guide Published
A new publication released today will help employers, managers, employees and unions meet their obligations to act in good faith.
Minister of Labour Margaret Wilson says the booklet 'Employment Relationship Problems: What they are, How to prevent them, How to fix them' will be a valuable tool.
"The production of the first of this series of publications is timely in the light of the call yesterday from the Ministerial Panel on Business Compliance Costs for more information to be made available to business on the Employment Relations Act.
"This is the first in a number of publications designed to improve workplace relationships by providing 'best practice' guidance," said Margaret Wilson.
"It provides plain language advice about a range of issues raised with mediators and the Employment Relations Service Info-line over the past 9 months.
"The publication of this booklet and those planned for later in the year on 'Hiring Staff, Starting A New Job' and 'Good Faith Relationships' also reflect the broader, more facilitative role envisaged for the Employment Relations Service under the Act".
can get copies of Employment Relationship Problems: What
they are, How to prevent them, How to fix them from any
office of the Employment Relations Service, or by phoning
the Employment Relations Service Info-line on 0800 800 863.
There's more information about workplace rights and
obligations on the Labour Department website