Self-drive car for driving
14 August 2001 Media Statement
Self-drive car for driving
"The use of the ministerial self-drive car by my wife in Christchurch presents no problems, breaks no rules and is not a misuse," said Deputy Prime Minister Jim Anderton.
"The self-drive car is exactly what it says, a car to drive ourselves around in at our discretion. I drive and will be driving this car around my electorate now as well as during the next election campaign.
"I have checked with Ministerial services and this is certainly allowed.
"The attack on this comes from someone calling himself Alec Neill, who purports to be the National MP for Wigram. This is odd because I am the MP for Wigram. This clearly shows this is a political attack and part of the wind up to the local body elections.
"Voters will need to get used to more such political attacks in the wind up to the elections," said Jim Anderton.