The downstream effect of bad economics
Gerry Brownlee National MP
30 October 2001
The downstream effect of bad economics
An education research report, promoted by the Government, brings the effect of the Labour Government's economic policies into question, National MP Gerry Brownlee said today.
The Report, Competent Children at 10, was written by Cathy Wylie on behalf of the New Zealand Council for Educational Research. Mr Brownlee questioned Education Minister Trevor Mallard about one of the Report's key recommendations in Parliament today.
The Report says that 'family resources - especially family income....are the key factors associated with differences in children's competency levels. This finding stands out in every phase of the project. Family income after housing costs is particularly important'.
"Under Labour, we have seen the disposable income of families under pressure, largely due to an 11 percent increase in food prices in only two years. This has had a huge impact on the resources of families.
"Labour's Income Related Rents housing policy assists only around one in five low-income families so those unable to get a state house miss out on extra help.
"Labour has paid no attention to the disposable incomes of families and therefore the educational opportunities for, and experiences of children," Mr Brownlee said.