New Zealander Elected To International Body
A New Zealand Court of Appeal Judge has been re-elected to an international body that aims to protect victims of armed conflict.
Acting Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Jim Anderton announced today that Sir Kenneth Keith will serve a further five-year term on the International Humanitarian Factfinding Commission.
The Commission was set up in 1977 under Geneva Convention Protocols to protect the victims of armed conflict through acceptance of the principles of international law.
Fifty-eight ‘High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions’ voted in the elections. Twenty candidates contested fifteen seats in the election at the weekend. Sir Kenneth was the only candidate from the Asia-Pacific region.
“Sir Kenneth Keith’s re-election follows a distinguished career in international law. He is eminently qualified to continue as a member of this important international body,” Jim Anderton said.
“As the only candidate from our region, Sir Kenneth brings to the Commission a valuable perspective.”
Members of the Commission serve in their personal capacity.