Upton Report Must Be Released
National's Labour and Industrial Relations Spokesperson Simon Power says latest information shows that the $30,000 taxpayer contribution to Susan Bathgates judicial costs is nothing more than a golden handshake.
"It seems according to Margaret Wilson there has never been a case like this before in New Zealand and it is extraordinary that Margaret Wilson is now saying she paid $30,000 to Ms Bathgate because that's what allegedly occurs in Australia.
"Margaret Wilson has become a total embarrassment to this Government and if she wants to gain any credibility with the public she must now release the Upton report so people can see for themselves whether there was any wrong doing.
"Margaret Wilson is saying on one hand that the judiciary should have their legal fees paid when there has been no wrong done, and yet she won't release the report to confirm there was no wrong doing.
"It is difficult to draw any other conclusion than that the report is less than favourable if the Minister won't release it.
" While other hard working New Zealanders are being told there is no money if you have cancer and need treatment, finding cash for a woman already proven to have been overpaid is okay," says Simon Power.