International Visitor Arrivals continue to grow
November 21, 2002 Media Statement
International Visitor Arrivals continue to grow
Minister of Tourism Mark
Burton is today welcoming the results of Statistics New
Zealand’s latest report on International Visitor
The report, which shows a 14.2% increase over October 2001, indicates that New Zealand’s tourism industry is still thriving.
Mark Burton is pleased with the increase in numbers, especially when coupled with yesterday’s Ministry of Tourism report on visitor spending.
“International visitors added nearly $6 billion to the New Zealand economy last year, with an average spend of nearly $3500 per person.
“Tourism continues to represent one of New Zealand’s most promising economic opportunities, and this Government is focussed on issues of sustainability within the tourism sector. In keeping with our Tourism Strategy 2010, we are working in partnership with the sector to build the right balance between industry growth and protecting our natural heritage and unique culture.
“Tourism New Zealand has been working hard to promote New Zealand as the Pacific’s most unique and sophisticated destination, with the aim of building an international reputation as a world-class, year-round travel destination. The results of this work are apparent—both the number of visitors and their economic input are in positive growth mode.”
Mark Burton also recognised the industry’s remarkable recovery in the year since the September 11 attacks.
“When the events of September 11 occurred in 2001, many doubted that the tourism sector would recover. But I knew that by drawing on the solid partnerships this Government has built with the sector, recovery was possible. New Zealand’s performance, both in terms of visitor numbers and spend, is a credit to the effectiveness of those working relationships.
“As Minister, I will continue to work closely with the industry to maximise the opportunities to protect both New Zealand's heritage and our share of the global tourism market."