Digital Technology and the Copyright Act 1994
Digital Technology and the Copyright Act 1994 position paper released
Associate Commerce Minister Judith Tizard today announced the release of a position paper “Digital Technology and the Copyright Act 1994”.
The Ministry of
Economic Development paper outlines the Ministry’s suggested
policy responses to the issues arising from the current
review of the implications of digital technology for the
Copyright Act 1994. It also gives further consideration to
issues raised by relevant new international standards, in
particular the 1996 World Intellectual Property Organisation
"Internet Treaties".
“New Zealand’s intellectual
property laws, including the Copyright Act, are an important
element of our innovation framework,” said Judith Tizard.
“Copyright is the basis of legal protection for the creative
industries and is also vital in any industry that involves
design or planning, the production of consumer goods or the
expression of ideas or information.”
The position paper
forms the basis for a second round of consultation with a
wide range of stakeholders including copyright owners,
creators and users of works of copyright.
“I encourage
submissions from authors, musicians, producers, directors,
copyright owners, users of copyright works and the wider
public on the proposals discussed in the paper,” said Judith
Submissions will be considered in the
development of policy recommendations to be presented to the
government on possible legislative reform and New Zealand's
possible accession to new international copyright treaties.
Submissions on the position paper should be sent to:
Digital Technology and the Copyright Act
Attention: Victoria Pearson
Regulatory and
Competition Policy Branch
Ministry of Economic
PO Box 1473
The closing date
for submissions on the position paper is Friday, 21 February
Copies of the position are available from the
Ministry of Economic Development’s website: