Govt must give essential services certainty
Government must give essential services certainty -
Green Sports Spokesperson Mike Ward today welcomed grants from Government to Water Safety New Zealand, the Coastguard Federation and the Mountain Safety Council but called on Government to ensure the funding was ongoing.
"Following big cuts in lottery grants funding to Water Safety and the Coastguard Federation earlier this year these grants will at least allow these crucial organisations to continue their work this summer," said Mr Ward.
"This money will save lives and spare families a great deal of grief over the summer," he said.
"However one off grants from Government are, as the Minister himself admits, short-term measures which give these organisations no funding certainty and no ability to plan into the future.
"In recognition of the lives these groups save and the excellent educational work they undertake, these groups deserve recognition from Government. The Greens are calling on Government to commit to stable and ongoing funding for these groups into the future.
"If these groups are to expand the services they provide, instead of simply struggling to maintain them, then they need ongoing funding.
"These organisations have been sweating over their funding shortfall and lobbying desperately to try and keep going. These organisations need regular funding so they can put their efforts into doing their jobs and keeping people alive," said Mr Ward.
"What other investment could yield better value for money?"