Labour bans smoking in bars, cafes & clubs?
Labour bans smoking in bars, cafes & clubs?
On the eve of last Christmas Winston Peters banned booze - this year the Government is effectively banning smoking in the OSH legislation, says National ACC Spokesperson Dr Paul Hutchison.
“By enforcing their new laws every pub, club, casino and café where smoking takes place is liable for a $250,000 fine, and if an employee dies - a $500,000 fine.
“The original 1992 OSH Act requires identification of hazards to workers and significant hazards to be eliminated if practicable or isolated from workers. The revised 2000 OSH Manual requires OSH to prosecute for hazards including second-hand smoke. Every employer should beware!
Dr Hutchison said Labour is hell-bent on enacting new OSH laws that introduce fines up to $500,000, but has shown no spine for enforcing the existing law over the past three years.
“Last year Winston Peters inadvertently
managed to ban drinking throughout New Zealand in a Bill
hurried through under Urgency. The Government this year is
doing the same with smoking but they never mentioned it, ”
says Dr Hutchison.