Winston Said That
Media Release
12 September 2003
Winston Said That
New Zealand First is concerned but not surprised that a prominent trustee has resigned from the Crown Forestry Rental Trust.
“Paul Carpinter’s resignation is an inevitable outcome of fundamental differences over the operation of what has long been a gravy train,” said New Zealand First’s Maori Affairs spokesperson Bill Gudgeon.
“More than a year ago Winston Peters highlighted serious and specific concerns about the CFRT but got an ostrich response from the Government. Belated attempts to cap the Trust Chairman’s salary ignored the intricate arrangements that have seen less than $3m of almost $20m in annual revenue actually getting to Treaty claimants.
“This latest resignation should be a catalyst for action. The Crown Forestry Rental Trust, like the Treaty Industry as a whole, has turned into a perpetual money machine for the favoured few. It can be compared to vultures circling over the African plains. And when you get close to the heart of this industry something strange happens – under the spotlight it vanishes in a sea of self-righteous indignation!
“Well, these birds are coming home to roost – and this politically correct government of ours is going to have to act decisively,” said Mr. Gudgeon.