Protocol signed with private trainers organisation
Protocol signed with private trainers organisation
The government is to sign a protocol with the New Zealand Association of Private Education Providers acknowledging its role in the private training sector.
Associate Education (Tertiary Education) Minister Steve Maharey spoke to the Association’s annual conference in Wellington. Major private training establishments (PTEs) and all public institutions are currently developing charters with the government detailing the niche they will fill in the new tertiary education system and will next year negotiate profiles with the Tertiary Education Commission which set out which of their courses will receive taxpayer subsidies.
Steve Maharey said the PTE sector had an assured place in the new tertiary education system complementing New Zealand’s 35 public tertiary institutions.
“The PTE sector has established an important niche for itself which is entirely consistent with the goals of the Tertiary Education Strategy to improve the quality of teaching and research and to better connect both with New Zealand’s national development goals.
“Establishing effective partnerships between tertiary education organisations, industry, the community, the Tertiary Education Commission and the government is crucial to bring about the kind of change the post-school education system is being called on to achieve.
“The protocol developed between NZAPEP and the government recognises its role as a leading PTE representative organisation and signals the intent of both parties to work cooperatively together. The government would welcome approaches by other tertiary organisations seeking to develop similar agreements.
“Ultimately, the success of the reform process
will rely on good quality dialogue and a collaborative
approach to the sharing of information and expertise,” Steve